The former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi to be buried in Islamic tradition

The new leaders of Libya Muammar Gaddafi pledged on Friday to be buried according to Islamic rules, a day after his final dramatic hours when the fugitive dictator was dragged from his hiding place in a drainage tube, begging for his life in his hometown and the last bastion fell to the revolutionaries.

Death, two months after the expulsion of Qaddafi's regime ended almost 42 years had turned the oil-rich country an international pariah and his personal fiefdom. Libya also encourages a new era in which leaders must overcome transitional deep divisions and rebuild almost all its institutions from scratch to achieve the dream of democracy.

The Council of the National Transitional Government, said interim leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil formally declare the release on Saturday in the eastern city of Benghazi, where the revolution against the regime of Gaddafi began in mid-February. The NTC has always said he will form a new interim government within a month of release and the holding of elections within eight months.

The Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril, who confirmed the death of Qaddafi on Thursday, said he will retire to make way for others to lead the oil-rich nation in North Africa to democracy.

"The formation of new government is subject to the NTC and I myself will not be part of this new government," Jibril said in a press conference in Tripoli. "I would like to appeal to the Libyan rancor aside and just say a word, that is Libya, Libya, Libya."

Other leaders have fallen in the uprising of the Arab spring, but the Gaddafi, 69 years old, is the first to be killed. He was shot to death in his home town of Sirte, where the revolutionary fighters overwhelmed the last of his loyal followers Thursday after weeks of tough battles.

President Barack Obama told the people of Libya: "You've won the revolution."

Although the U.S. briefly led the relentless NATO bombing campaign that sealed the fate of Gaddafi, Washington later took a secondary role to its allies. Britain and France said they hoped his death would lead to a more democratic Libya.

Also killed in Sirte was a son of Gaddafi feared Muatassim, while another child - one-time heir Seif al-Islam - was wounded and captured. An AP reporter saw cigarette burns on the body of Muatassim.

There were conflicting reports about how Gaddafi was killed. Eager to show they were taking the moral high ground, Libyan officials promised that he would be buried with respect.

"He will be buried on Friday, according to Islamic custom," said Information Minister Mahmud Shammam.

NTC member Mohamed Sayeh, Gaddafi said on Friday he will be buried in a cemetery in Sirte, denying reports that he would be buried in a secret grave.

Bloody images of the last moments of Gaddafi raised questions about exactly how he died after being wounded and captured, but alive. Video on Arab television stations showed a group of fighters to push and pull the goatee, bald Gaddafi, with splashes of blood on his face and soaking his shirt.

Gaddafi fought against them, stumbling and shouting as the soldiers pushed him onto the hood of a truck. A soldier held it, by clicking on the thigh with a pair of shoes in a show of contempt.

Fighters supported him in the hood, when they went for a few moments, it seems to parade around in victory.

"We want to live. We want to live," shouted a man before Gadhafi was dragged out of the chapel, some fighters pulling his hair, into an ambulance.

Later showed footage of soldiers shooting the lifeless body of Gaddafi on the pavement, bare-chested and a pool of blood under his head. His body was displayed after a car through Misrata, a nearby city that suffered a brutal siege by the forces of the regime during the civil war which eventually overthrew eight months Gaddafi, as the crowds cheered in the streets.

Thundering celebratory gunfire and cries of "Allah is great" echoed through Tripoli and past midnight, leaving the smell of sulfur in the air. The people involved in revolutionary flags around children and showed V for victory sign as they peered into the windows of the car. Martyrs Square, the Plaza of the former Green Gaddafi, who made many speeches challenging, full of revelers.

In Sirte, the former rebels of ecstasy celebrated fall of the city after weeks of fighting by firing endless rounds into the sky, waving their guns, knives and even a butcher knife in the air and singing the national anthem .

The outpouring of joy reflected the deep hatred of a leader who had distorted his government brutally idiosyncratic Libya. After taking power in a 1969 coup that overthrew the monarchy, Gaddafi has created a "revolutionary" system of "mob rule" that supposedly wanted to say to all citizens participated in government, but in reality meant the whole power was in their hands. He drove erratically, the imposition of standards at random, while crushing rivals, often hanging anyone who conspired against him in public squares.

Overseas, Qadhafi posed as a leader of the Third World, while funding militants, terrorists and guerrillas. His regime was accused in 1988 bombing of PanAm Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the downing of a French airliner in Africa next year and the 1986 bombing of a nightclub frequented by German soldiers of the U.S. . that killed three people.

On Thursday, the final battle began with the revolutionary forces bearing down on the last of Qaddafi's armed supporters in recent days had been reduced by one block of 700 square meters.

A large convoy of vehicles left the building, and the revolutionary forces moved to intercept him, said Fathi Bashagha spokesman Misrata Military Council, which ordered the soldiers who captured him. At 8:30 am, NATO warplanes attacked the convoy, he let out a coup, according to French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet.

The fighters clashed with supporters in the three-hour convoy with rocket-propelled grenades, antiaircraft guns and machine guns. The members of the convoy out of vehicles, Bashagha said.

Gaddafi and other supporters fled on foot, with the fighters in the search, he said. Gaddafi's bodyguard caught, because he escaped a similar version to Arab television stations.

Gaddafi and several bodyguards took refuge in a drainage pipe under a highway nearby. After the fighting took place, Gaddafi came out, telling the fighters out, "What? Not kill me, my children," said Doua Bashagha and Hassan, a fighter who was among those who captured him.

Within the hour he was dead, but not before the Libyans had aired jubilant decades of hatred for hair pulling and parade eccentric dictator's bloody body on the hood of a truck.

Gaddafi said Bashagha died in the ambulance from injuries sustained during the fighting. Abdel-Jalil Abdel-Aziz, a doctor who accompanied the body in the ambulance during the journey of 120 miles of Misrata, Gaddafi said he died of two gunshot wounds - in the head and chest.

A government account Gaddafi's death said he was captured unharmed and later was mortally wounded in the crossfire from both sides.

Amnesty International has urged the revolutionary fighters to give a full report, saying it was essential to conduct "a thorough, independent and impartial investigation to determine the circumstances of the death Colonel Gaddafi."

Thursday's final blows to the Gaddafi regime will allow the interim leadership of Libya, the National Transitional Council to declare the country free. After the fall of Tripoli on August 21, Gaddafi loyalists mounted a fierce resistance in several areas, including Sirte, the prevention of new leadership to declare a complete victory. Earlier this week, the revolutionary fighters took control of a stronghold, Bani Walid.

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