jackie chan biography and Story

In childhood, he suffered terrible poverty and the most painful rigorous education. In his career, he was almost cast aside as just one in a long line of not following Bruce Lees. In perfecting his craft, has broken his nose three times, and also broke his ankle, most of his fingers, both cheekbones and his skull (patched with a steel plate). You can not say Jackie Chan has not paid its debts. But finally, after nearly 40 years in business, the rate rose to fame around the world. As always wanted, almost everyone knows your name.

Jackie Chan was born Chan Kong-Sang (ie born in Hong Kong) on ​​April 7, 1954, as is natural in Hong Kong. He was the only child of Charles and Lee-Lee Chan, who reportedly spent 12 months in the womb, finally being removed surgically and weighing 12 pounds (his mother nicknamed Pao-Pao is, Cannonball) . Charles borrowed money from friends to pay the operation, making the offer of the doctor to take the child on the payment. The family lived in a mansion in the exclusive district of Victoria Peak. Not that his parents owned the mansion - Charles worked as a cook for the French Ambassador, while Lee-Lee was the housekeeper.

Jackie attended the Nah-Hwa primary school on Hong Kong Island, often spending their money on food and travel home, fighting on the road with Caucasian children attending special schools in the area. He was not academically brilliant, coming within a primary and his companions went to Primary 3. This was observed by Charles, who decided to enroll the child, now 7, in the School of Peking Opera, directed by Shu Master Yu Jan-Yuen. Walking with his father, Jackie saw dozens of children between 7 and adolescence, tumbling and playing with swords and sticks. Remember that it felt like children should feel today when you enter Disneyland. He would never return to academic education. Although speaks seven languages, which still can not read or write with great skill, and have someone else write his scripts for him.

He did not stay like Disneyland. Charles now moved to Australia to work at the Embassy of China, and Jackie, now named Yuen I saw the true nature of the School of Peking Opera. Training in music, acrobatics and many martial arts lasted 18 hours a day. Exercises were brutal, the children do the headstand for hours. Beatings were frequent in both the Master's hands and the other boys. Over time, Jackie's mother also left to join Charles in Australia, Jackie being adopted by the Master single purpose.

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 7, 1954. His parents, Charles and Lee-Lee Chan named him Chan Kong-sang which means "born in Hong Kong."

Jackie weighs a whopping 12 pounds at birth and his mother required surgery to deliver him. Jackie's parents were so poor they had to borrow money from friends to pay the doctor.

Although Jackie's parents were poor, who were lucky enough to have a good job at the Embassy of France in Hong Kong. Charles was a cook and Lee-Lee was a homemaker. Together, the Chan family lived in Hong Kong Peak.

When Jackie was young, his father woke him up early in the morning and together they practice kung fu. Charles Chan believed that learning kung fu would help build Jackie's character, taught him patience, strength and courage.

When Jackie was 7 years old his father began working as a chef at the U.S. Embassy in Australia. Jackie could not take with him, so he enrolled in the Theater of the China Academy where Jackie would live for the next 10 years of his life.

During the time of Jackie in school, learned martial arts, acrobatics, singing and acting. The school was designed to prepare children for life in the Peking Opera. Chinese opera is very different from any other opera. It includes singing, acrobatics and acrobatics and martial arts skills and acting. School students were not treated with kindness to all. They were given enough food to survive. They were beaten if they disobeyed or if mistakes were made. It was a very hard and difficult life but Jackie had nowhere else to go, so stayed. Just saw his parents at all for many years.

During his stay in China Academy, Jackie made his acting debut at age eight in the Cantonese movie "Bar Wong large and small can." Later he joined the other opera students in a performance group called "The Seven Little Fortunes. " As Jackie got older he worked as a double or king in the film industry in Hong Kong.

When Jackie was 17, graduated from the China Drama Academy. Unfortunately the Chinese opera was not very popular anymore, so Jackie and his colleagues had to find another job. This was difficult because the school never taught to read and write. The only work available to them was qualified labor or work of specialists. Each year many movies were made in Hong Kong and were always looking for young specialists and strong. Jackie took these jobs, and soon earned the reputation of being brave. Jackie Chan would try anything. Click here to read about some of Jackie's injuries

In the coming years, Jackie worked as a stuntman in Hong Kong. When the film industry of Hong Kong began to fail, was forced to go to Australia to live with their parents. He worked in a restaurant and a construction site. It was there that he received the name "Jackie." A man named Jack, who worked on the site has trouble pronouncing "Kong-sang" and started calling Jackie "Jack." That soon became Jackie and the name stuck.

Jackie was very unhappy in Australia. The construction work was difficult and boring. One day, Jackie received a telegram from a man named Willie Chan. Jackie did not know it but Willie would end up becoming his best friend and manager. Willie Chan worked in the film industry of Hong Kong and was looking for someone to star in a new film being made by Lo Wei, a famous Hong Kong producer / director. Willie had seen Jackie Jackie when he was working as a specialist and was impressed.

Jackie called Willie and they talked. Soon Jackie was on his way back to Hong Kong to star in "New Fist of Fury." It was 1976 and Jackie Chan was 21.

Once Jackie returned to Hong Kong, Willie Chan took control over Jackie's career. To this day Jackie is quick to point out that he owes his success to Willie.

The films Lo Wei Jackie did not have much success. The problem was that Jackie's talents are not being used properly. It was only when Jackie was able to contribute their ideas, which became a star. He brought humor to martial arts films, and his first success was "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow." It was the first movie that Jackie had a part in making and was a success! This was followed by "Drunken Master" (another blockbuster) and Jackie's first ever directing job, "Fearless Hyena." All were big hits.

Jackie finally ended in the United States to make the movie "The Big Brawl." Not successful. Then came "Cannonball Run", which was a hit in the U.S. and Japan, but not in Hong Kong. Jackie was very discouraged and returned to Hong Kong to continue making movies action comedy had become famous.

In 1985, Jackie returned to the States to "The Protector", who was also a failure. He left the U.S. again. It would be 10 years before returning to make the success of "Rumble in the Bronx." After that came "Rush Hour", "Shanghai Noon" and "Rush Hour 2." Jackie Chan had achieved his dream of becoming a superstar in America.

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